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  1. 罚单类型:纽约市有各种罚单类别,每种类别的含义不同。熟悉交通违规、停车罚单和其他违规类型之间的区别将有助于您有效处理这些问题并避免意外罚款。
  2. 驾照积分系统:纽约使用积分系统来追踪驾驶违规行为,如果积分累积,可能会导致驾照被吊销。了解如何针对特定违规行为分配积分以及如何管理积分对于维护您的驾驶特权至关重要。
  3. 车辆保险要求:纽约州要求所有车辆都购买特定保险。了解最低要求并确保您的保险单符合州标准可以保护您免受罚款或法律问题。
PDA 提供了全面的指南来帮助您了解这些方面。我们在此帮助您自信地遵守这些规则并了解您作为司机的责任。
This information provides a comprehensive overview for new immigrants navigating New York's driving regulations. Here’s a concise summary to keep in mind:
1. Types of Traffic Violations and Points System:
New York uses a point system where various infractions add points to your license, which can lead to suspension if you accumulate 11 points within 18 months. Some common violations and their associated points include:
  • Speeding:
    • 1-10 mph over the limit: 3 points
    • 11-20 mph: 4 points
    • 21-30 mph: 6 points
    • 31-40 mph: 8 points
    • Over 40 mph: 11 points (can lead to suspension)
  • Reckless Driving: 5 points
  • Running a Red Light: 3 points
  • Texting While Driving: 5 points
2. Driver Responsibility Assessment (DRA):
Accumulating six or more points within 18 months subjects drivers to the DRA, an additional fee paid over three years, beyond any standard fines. This helps ensure drivers remain cautious.
3. Vehicle Insurance Requirements:
New York requires specific minimums for car insurance, ensuring protection for both drivers and the public:
  • Liability Coverage:
    • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
    • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
    • $10,000 for property damage
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): $50,000 per person
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:
    • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
    • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
Maintaining proper insurance is critical for financial security and compliance with state laws.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly review the New York Driver's Manual to stay updated.
  • Drive Defensively: Adhere to speed limits and traffic rules to avoid penalties.
  • Insurance Compliance: Always verify that your insurance meets New York's minimum coverage.
For more personalized advice, consult a licensed attorney familiar with New York traffic laws.


  Mission: Provide high-quality, accessible legal services to low-income and marginalized individuals.
  Vision: Equal access to justice for all, with empowered communities through legal education and systemic advocacy.
  1. Legal Representation: Free or low-cost legal representation in civil and criminal matters.
  2. Legal Education: Community programs on legal rights and responsibilities.
  3. Advocacy: Push for systemic legal and social reforms.
  4. Support Services: Holistic services including social and mental health support.
  1. Civil Legal Services: Housing, family law, immigration, public benefits, and employment law.
  2. Criminal Legal Services: Defense, expungement, and reentry support.
  3. Community Education: Legal clinics, "Know Your Rights" campaigns, and partnerships.
  4. Advocacy: Legislative advocacy and impact litigation.
  • Sources: Grants, donations, partnerships, and pro bono contributions.
  • Sustainability: Diverse funding, community engagement, and operational efficiency.
  • Measurement: Assess services through client feedback and case outcomes.
  • Improvement: Refine services based on data and feedback.
  This streamlined structure ensures effective, equitable legal support for underserved communities.
PDA 发展协会

929-496-9798 / 929-389-1651

办公室:125 Wolf Rd Suite 209,

Albany NY  12205

办公室:9807 Astoria Blvd, 1 FL

East Elmhurst NY  11369

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